Scales for the Guitar in 3D
GUITAR, Coursebooks, Scott Allen

This book is available in 2 versions: with the recordings on a disk or as a download.
+ Book + Audios + Videos
+ Book + CD + DVD
Author: Scott Allen
Available: Immediately
Shipping: By carrier/post (with tracking)
No more trouble with whole- and half-tone calculations, no more bother with scale transpositions and visualizations either! This coursebook provides fretboard diagrams (24 frets) for every existing scale (be it major, minor pentatonic, major pentatonic, blues, melodic minor, harmonic minor, exotic or symmetric) and what’s more, for every existing key. It also provides sample chords over which these scales (solos, improvisations or riffs) may be played and brief instructions for their use. The videos attached to the coursebook make learning even easier. They show you all the positions of the different scales and the essential points of reference in the 12 keys. The backing tracks provided on the audio-recordings give you the opportunity to put the newly-learned scales into practice – in every key and in every musical style(!)
This item is also available as a download
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€ 24.19
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€ 24.19
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